My Kids...My Life

A little about them...a little about me.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I finally did it...

"What did you do?" you ask. I finally started a blog. Something I've been thinking about for a while now. I've never done journals or diaries before, so this is something new to me. However, as I get older, I feel like this is something that I need to do. But I hate sitting down and writing in a journal. So, I'll type...I'm at the computer anyway.

I guess I need a space to write down my frustrations, my dreams, my goals, and what my two beautiful (but busy) boys are doing. And I'll try to relay what I'm thinking. Seems like I've been doing a lot of that I doing what God wants me to do. My answer is no, because I'm not talking to him, and not reading his word. So I need encouragement, too.

I'll sign off now, because it took me forever to finally get the picture of our family on there the way I wanted it to look. Very frustrating when you don't follow the instructions given you. Oh well, when all else fails, follow the ENTIRE directions, and you can't go wrong!


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