My Kids...My Life

A little about them...a little about me.

Monday, July 17, 2006

My how time flies

I've been naughty, and haven't kept up with my blog. And if you could have seen how many typ-o's I just made writing that first sentence, obviously I haven't been typing much either. I was being so faithful at writing at least once a week on the blog, but once we got back from Hawaii I just didn't get back in the groove. I'm going to make a conscious effort to do it again. I enjoyed it, so now I just need to do it.

Okay, funny story from my 3 year old.

Background to story: There is a teenage boy named Christian that we know who freaks Luke out for no apparent reason. If you mention his name, Luke says, "Christian? I don't like Christian!!!" (Except he kind of says it like "cushion".) And Christian has a brother named Travis, who Luke isn't so sure about either.

So I was getting my nails done by my sister, and was telling her that B and I had been watching tv and caught a show on TBS with Stephen Baldwin (you know, of the Baldwin brothers, Alec, Billy, etc.). I said something along the lines of, I guess he's Mr. Christian guy now. (I wasn't judging, just commenting.) Well Luke was with me, and I was about to continue my story with Melissa except he interrupted me with, "Did you say Christian? I don't like Christian!" M and I both laughed and I said, "No, not Christian. I was talking about being a Christian."

Luke: But I don't like Christian.
Me: I know, but people who love God and Jesus are called Christians, too. Do you love God?
Luke: Yeah, and I love Jesus, too.
Me: Well then, you're a Christian.
Luke: I'm Christian?
Me: Yep, and I'm a Christian, and Auntie's a Christian, and Daddy, and Grandma, and Grandpa. If you love God and Jesus, you're a Christian.
Luke: I'm Christian?
Me: Yep.
Luke: Are you Travis, too?

At that point, M and I doubled over in laughter, because we then realized he wasn't asking if he was a Christian, he was asking if he was Christian. I'm sure it doesn't come across quite as funny on the blog, but trust me...if you know my son, it was hilarious!


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